Tuesday, December 18, 2018

My Heart is A-Homing for Heaven

If you feel restless and longing for home
A place where you always belong
We are destined in the depths of our soul
For a final homecoming e're long

All other homecomings are foretastes
"We meet to part and part to meet"
All other homecomings are fleeting
But our final homecoming`s complete.

My heart is a-homing for heaven
The place where my weary soul hides
For Jesus is my destination
In Him I`ll forever abide.

So with longing we face toward the future
To safety, belonging and love
We were created for another world
Designed for a secure home above

For every loss and every delight
Every promise in Jesus is stored
Though I live move and be in Him here
They are Yes and Amen in my Lord

My heart is a-homing for heaven
The place where my weary soul hides
For Jesus is my habitation
In Him I`ll forever abide.

Kudos to Basil Manly Jr. and C. S. Lewis
Anthony Foster
December 18, 2018

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