This I call to mind, therefore I have hope:
When this truth I comprehend
The steadfast love of the Lord shall not cease
His mercies never shall end.
This I call to mind, therefore I have peace
When in this truth I come to rest
The mercies of the Lord ever increase
By this thought I am blessed.
For I cannot reason or reckon my way
Out of this situation today
I can’t pull enough strings
The harder I try the more failure it brings
God of the impossible remind me
You do impossible things
If I forget, I will languish- If I forget, I shall fail
So set my mind on things above so I can prevail
Oh the greatness of Grace, wisdom and power
That avails itself each hour
Holy Spirit please remind me I pray
Call to mind the lovingkindness
That sees me through ev’ry day
I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
Wonders of old my soul heeds
I will remember and ponder your works,
And meditate on your deeds
For I cannot reason or reckon my way
Out of this situation today
I can’t pull enough strings
The harder I try the more failure it brings
God of the impossible remind me
You do impossible things
If I forget, I will languish- If I forget, I shall fail
So set my mind on things above so I can prevail
January 20, 2021
Anthony Foster
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