Saturday, January 21, 2023

Resting in Your Blessing


God gives every spiritual blessing
In the heavenly places in Christ
The things which our God has prepared 
Through the Final sacrifice…

We are resting in Your blessing
Eye has not seen, no ear has heard, 
Neither have entered into the heart of man
The great blessings in Your Word 

God gives hope that lasts forever
For our Lord forever reigns
His mercy is new each morning
Worlds obey what He ordains

Jesus is able to do beyond measure
All we ask or imagine, and far, far more
According to his power at work within us, 
To him be all glory forevermore!

We are resting in Your blessing
Eye has not seen, no ear has heard, 
Neither have entered into the heart of man
The great blessings in Your Word 

Eph 1:3; 3:20
Psalm 127
January 21, 2023
Anthony Foster

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