Saturday, December 18, 2021


In the days of desolation
Our needs are evident
In the days of lamentation
The righteous will repent
The light that God is sending
Breaks up the darkness deep
Convicting and heart rending
It wakes us from our sleep

We rid our rooms of leaven
Revealed now in the light
The majesty of heaven
Breaks on our dawning sight 
True faith will make us humble
Once we see the light of day
The shadows where we stumble
All disperse to show God’s way

Religion is all the more vain
Without  true godliness
But Truth will make the lies plain
And grant us holiness
Then secret grief  becomes real
And in the soul is proved
When our Sin is revealed
Then the mind and heart are moved.

The Spirit works in our souls
And purges out our Sin
And by His grace Christ consoles
And the victory we win.
Once the dying Savior’s voice
Rent the rocks and conquered hell
So in His Word we can rejoice
For He will rend our hearts as well!

Joel 2:13
December 18, 2021
Anthony Foster

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