Thursday, December 2, 2021

God With Us

You have come out of eternity
You have come so that we might see
The light that all might apprehend
The holy means to every end
We live by faith in unseen things
More real than this world’s offerings
Realities beyond our eyes
That fuel our fires and make us wise

Midst darkened shadows light has shown
He is the light that makes God known
You have come, Emmanuel
To become our soul’s noel
God is with us, truly with us
Our God has come to tread this dust
God has come, in us to dwell
He comes to Us , Emmanuel.

The truth no mind can comprehend 
That God the Son would condescend
To take on flesh and so He dies
To conquer death and then arise 
So earth becomes an altarplace
Where the final sacrifice takes place
The perfect Work that makes us right
Justice and mercy to unite

In darkened shadows light has shown
You are the light that makes God known
You have come, Emmanuel
To become our soul’s noel
God is with us, truly with us
Our God has come to tread the dust
God has come, in us to dwell
He comes to Us , Emmanuel.

December 2, 2021
Anthony Foster

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