Tuesday, December 14, 2021

New Creatures of our God and King

Put off the old man with His  sin
In Christ  a new man will begin
Found as a new creation
Transformed by His salvation
Then step by step the victory You’ll win.

Let this be your anthem strong
Conformed to His likeness e’re long
New creatures of our God and King
Your need becomes your offering

Put on the new man now reborn
Your filthy rags no longer worn
To Glory raised
May God be praised
In righteous robes  now be adorned

Let this be your living sacrifice
Reckon yourself dead to sin, Alive to Christ
New creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice rejoice and sing

Our sin and shame our Lord did bear
Nailed to His cross he left it there
Then when He arose from His grave
We rose with Him and so are saved
Let this be the truth that we declare

Romans 6
December 13, 2021
Anthony Foster

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