Saturday, November 9, 2024

Right Now Counts Forever

Like dew that settles on the grass

Like the flower that blooms in the night

Like the leaves that the autumn devours

Like the fog that fades in the light

Flickering semblance, evanescent

A vanishing vapor in the wind

The sun  will rise and darkness dies

Life is fragile unto its very end

Life is fleeting, life is fleeting

These fugitive days surely pass

Time is transcient, momentary

So savor the moments while they last


Grass withers and flowers fade

We begin to die as we take our first breath

A mist that rises and then is gone

But in Christ our end is not met in our death

Life is fleeting , life is precious

We are simply servant stewards of our days

Our very present counts forever

And the unseen light must define our ways

Though we will sleep in the dust

Time to eternity is bound

Every secret thing will be revealed

When we rise again and our new life is found

Life is fleeting, life is fleeting

These fugitive days surely pass

Time is transcient, momentary

So savor the moments while they last

November 9, 2024

Anthony Foster

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