Monday, October 29, 2018

Pearl of Great Price

He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep
To gain that which he can never lose
For whatever we sow we will surely reap
By Gods grace we will wisely choose.

Oh pearl of great price you are our greatest treasure
It is no sacrifice to give up all our earthly measure
Oh light of things eternal, Oh pearl of great price
To glory in your presence will be our paradise

Where our treasure is there our heart will be
When we worship the most worthy one the unseen we will see.
This is life abundant this is blessedness
To seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness

To count it all as loss, to pay any cost
To gain the greatest treasure is ours to embrace
The thing of greatest worth in heaven or on earth
Is the weight of glory found in Jesus face

Oh pearl of great price you are our greatest treasure
It is no sacrifice to give up all our earthly measure
Oh light of things eternal, Oh pearl of great price
To glory in your presence will be our paradise

Anthony Foster
October 29, 2018

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