Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Adore and Temble

Adore and tremble all you saints, for our God is a consuming fire!
His hatred of sin His wrath inflames, due justice is required
His hand shall on rebellious men a fiery tempest pour,
While we beneath His shelt'ring wings Gods justice shall adore.

Our mighty God, in sovereign grace sits wisely on His throne;
The refuge of His chosen race, He make His mercies known.
His children must obey our His will, and trust in Father's grace;
Our pardoning God is jealous still- to require holiness.

Saints assembled, adore and tremble, worship and bring praise
Saints assembled, adore and tremble as we apprehend God's righteous ways!

Adore and tremble all you saints, before the throne of God
He loves us as a parent that does not spare the rod
His discipline we must not fain, we take it and are blessed
We trust our Father's love for us is for our good at last!

Adore and tremble at the thought of holiness complete
With perfect justice mingled there upon the mercy seat
By God's great sacrifice we are humbled and undone
His Glory overwhelms our souls- Oh praise the Holy One!

Saints assembled, adore and tremble, worship and bring praise
saints assembled, adore and tremble as we apprehend God's righteous ways!
Saints assembled, adore and tremble, worship and bring praise
Saints assembled, adore and tremble as God manifests His righteous ways!

Nah. 1:1-3; Heb. 12:29.
October 23, 2018
Anthony Foster

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