We were dead, stone
cold in our sin
We were dead there
in iniquity's den
But God did what men
cannot do
He creates a faith
that makes hearts new
I heard the call of
God fall on my deafened ear
I heard the call of
God even when I could not hear
The call that raises
from the dead
This call to life in
the living head
The call to come out
from the grave
Compelled to rise
and walk by the grace that saves
We were dead when we
heard the shout
We were dead, when
he called us out
Grace makes a dead
man to obey
Grace makes the dead
to rise and pray
And the call of
grace cant be denied
Those whom God called he also justified
The call that raises
from the dead
This call to life in
the living head
The call to come out
from the grave
Compelled to rise
and walk by the grace that saves
Now faith is created
but is not done
Grace draws the
sinner to the Son
As the glorious gift of grace
is planted
Repentance and
obedience is granted
In the call that
raises from the dead
This call to life in
the living head
The call to come out
from the grave
Compelled to rise
and walk by the grace that saves!
October 25, 2018
(Romans 4:17)
(Romans 8:30) (Romans 5:1) (John 6:44, 65) (Acts 16:14) (John
10:3–4, 14).
Anthony Foster
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