Friday, October 26, 2018

Mercy's Never-failing Stream

Of Mercy's never-failing stream,
And steadfast Judgment I will sing;
And since they both to You belong,
To You, Lord, I address my Song.

My Lord, you will with me abide
Your disciplines by grace shall guide;
A blameless life to me you give,
A pattern by which I will live.

For Mercy's never-failing stream
Flows on forever to redeem
It springs eternal from Gods throne
Each morning mercies new are shown

You bring us trials our souls to sift
You grant repentance as a gift
From haughty looks I'll turn aside,
And mortify the heart of pride.

May your longsuffering patience prove
To be the kindness that shall move
Our stony hearts to be made flesh
By Mercy's stream we are refreshed

And Mercy's ever flowing stream
Flows on forever to redeem
It springs eternal from Gods throne
Each morning mercies new are shown

Adapted some lyrics with new music from The Whole Book of Psalms, in Metre. With Hymns, Etc. 1795
Anthony Foster
October 26, 2018

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