Saturday, August 24, 2024

Great Triune God

Oh my Holy Father touch this dust

You justified me yet you are Just

Forgive my sin-Let me enter in

In your faithfulness I'll  always trust

Oh my Holy Savior intercede

My Great High Priest you know my need

Oh Living Word-My heart guard and gird

My Shepherd I will follow where you lead

Oh Holy Spirit You indwell my soul

Help me to yield to your control

My heart and mind-In you become aligned

The gifts that you give will make me whole

Oh Great Triune God the Three in One

Oh Holy Father, Spirit, and Son

You are adored-Blessed Holy Lord

Sustain me in this race that I run

Keep me til my work on earth is done

In you I hope til your Kingdom comes.

August 24, 2024

Anthony Foster

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