Thursday, August 1, 2024


Nothing lasts forever on this earth

Nothing here has ultimate worth

But nothing can separate us from Your Great Love

Nothing here on earth and nothing above

Neither death not life nor angels

Not principalities nor powers

Things present nor things to come

Can divide us from the great love that is ours

No height nor depth nor any other created thing

Can separate us from this love of which we sing

Will be able to separate us from the love of GOD

That is in Christ Jesus our Lord

That is in Christ Jesus our Lord

There is no greater treasure that exists

Than the One in whom the universe consists

The Word is the Truth this world cannot afford

Our union cannot be broken with our Lord

The final Word was has spoken 

A Word that can’t be broken

It is longsuffering that none of His own might perish

For Our God will not relent 

Till His chosen ones repent 

And reckon that by God they are  cherished

Neither death not life nor angels

Not principalities nor powers

Things present nor things to come

Can divide us from the great love that is ours

No height nor depth nor any other created thing

Can separate us from this love of which we sing

Will be able to separate us from the love of GOD

That is in Christ Jesus our Lord

That is in Christ Jesus our Lord

August 1, 2024

Anthony Foster

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