Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Oh Lord ,You Are So Good

Oh Lord, you are so  good

So beautiful and true

So of your goodness we shall sing

There is none good but You!

Oh Lord, you are so good

Your goodness we extol

For every blessing comes from you

You satisfy our souls

Oh Lord. your goodness and mercy

Follow me unto forever

And it is for your glory and our good

You work all things together

Oh Lord, you are so good 

Your mercies You’ve outpoured

Compassionate and lovingkind

And faithful to us Lord

So we will sing of your goodness

Sing of your grace

Sing of your generosity 

And in-awe and wonder we delight

Until face to face we see

The goodness of your glory

Oh Lord, you are so  good

So beautiful and true

So of your goodness we shall sing

There is none good but you

There is none like You!

August 20,2024

Anthony Foster

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