Friday, August 9, 2024

Set Your Mind On Things Above

Set your mind on things above

Set your mind on things above

Revel in the Father’s love

Set your mind on things above

Turn your mind from things below

Turn your mind from things below

They will pass away you know

Turn your mind from things below

To the pattern of this world do not conform

by the renewing of your mind you’ll be transformed. 

Then you will be able to approve and test 

What God’s will is for then  you will be blessed

So come on and renew your mind

Come on and renew your mind

Then God’s perfect Will you’ll find

If you will renew your mind

Set your mind on things above

Set your mind on things above

Revel in the Father’s love

Set your mind on things above

Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 3:2

August 9, 2024

Anthony Foster

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