Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Bonds of Love

Held fast forevermore

I can finally rest

Rest in the Father above

I was a captive before

But now I am blessed

To be bound in the bonds of love.

And there is no captivity

Like unto the one that sets you free

Captured by a righteous King 

This is the hope to which I cling

Delights I once had no knowledge of

Are mine within the bonds of Love

Ransomed and redeemed

Fettered by faith

Subject to perfect holiness 

More than I’ve dreamed

Now grounded in grace

Here in the  bonds of blessedness

And there is no captivity

Like unto the one that sets you free

Captured by a righteous King 

This is the hope to which I cling

Delights I once had no knowledge of

Are mine within the bonds of Love

Secure within the bonds of Love

Blessed within the bonds of Love

August 1, 2024

Anthony Foster

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