Friday, August 23, 2024

The First Step Up the Mountain

The first step up the mountain 

    Is a step one step too far

We are totally unable 

    It is far too high a bar

For a dead man to make that walk-

    No possibility

Not earthly intervention 

    Gives that ability

But If you hear a voice a’callin’ 

    Commanding you to rise

And come forth from the woeful tomb 

    It comes as no surprise

Then every step you’re taking 

    Is empowered from above

And every move you’re making 

    Is because of holy love

The first step up the mountain

And every step  that follows on

Will make the mountains tremble

If you’re carried by the Son

Cause when it's all been said

And when it's all been done

You can feel the mountains tremble 

When you’re carried by God’s Son.

Then step by step He’ll carry 

    those weak enough to rest

In the arms of the Good Shepherd 

    and be content and blessed

Then each step of the journey 

    You are not alone

As the Shepherd takes you upward 

    Till you take rest in His home.

There in that better city 

    The One that God has built

Is where His glory is unveiled 

    And its foursquare is filled

So onward up that mountain 

    Where the saints of old have trod

To that celestial city- 

    That city built by God

The first step up the mountain

And every step that follows on

Will make the mountains tremble

If you’re carried by the Son

You can feel the mountains tremble 

When You’re carried by God’s Son.

Hebrews 11:16; Isaiah 46:4; 64:1-9

Micah 4:2

August 23, 2024

Anthony Foster

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