Sunday, August 18, 2024

Tremble and Rejoice

Hearts that tremble now draw near

Alpha and Omega‘s throne

Standing bold in holy fear

Ris’n from seed that Christ has sown

Lay us low and lift us high

As we tremble and rejoice

Thrice Holy- we hear angels cry

Hearts are undone at their voice

Our Father’s love excels all loves

Love so amazing gave His Son

He came to us from heaven above

Came to save us, it is done!

His faithful mercies ever flowing

Growing in our hearts by grace

Righteousness He’s now bestowing

True repentance we embrace

We shall tremble and rejoice

We shall tremble and rejoice

We raise praises with one voice

As we tremble and rejoice

Holy Spirit You have sealed us

The life giving Word employ

Quicken our poor failing dust

Fill our trembling hearts with joy

Come convict and convince us

Of the Truth that sets us Free

Come in power to defend us

Fit us for eternity

You the horn of our salvation

Who dwells in us in purity

Now perfect your new creation

Sanctify us, be our surety

From glory unto glory transform us

To the likeness of the Son

Come perfect our faith, conform us

Till in Heaven we dwell as One

Then God’s glory will adorn us

When we see the Kingdom come!

We shall tremble and rejoice

We shall tremble and rejoice

We raise praises with one voice

As we tremble and rejoice

2 Corinthians 3:18

August 17, 2024

Anthony Foster

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