Friday, August 30, 2024

The Armor of Light

For salvation is nearer now, we understand, 

than when we first believed. 

The day of salvation soon is at hand

And judgment will soon be received

So do not waste time on temporal things 

They remind how time takes it’s flight 

So shelter beneath our sovereign’s wings

As we walk in eternity’s light


The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. 

So let us put aside the deeds of darkness 

and put on the armor of light. 

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. 

So let us put aside the deeds of darkness 

and put on the armor of light. 

Clothe yourselves in the Lord and pray

That in Christ you will be found

the day of salvation is nearer today

And soon we will hear the trumpet’s sound

The darkness produces  fruitless deeds

The light exposes  their shame

The day will manifest  the tares and the weeds

That shall be devoured by the flames 

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. 

So let us put aside the deeds of darkness 

and put on the armor of light. 

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. 

So let us put aside the deeds of darkness 

and put on the armor of light. 

Romans 13:12 ; Numbers 32:23; John 3:20

Hebrews 4:12-13; Ephesians 5:11,13;

August 30, 2024

Anthony Foster

The Tongue is a Beast

We sputter and spark

We blather and bark

We fizzle and foam

We mutter and moan

We rant like  the fool

And think we are cool.

In the end it We don’t know 

What we don’t know will show.

Like a pig that is greased

The tongue is a beast

When it’s power’s released

The tongue is a beast

We cuss and we swear

And really don’t care

We let the barbs fly

In an endless supply

We still bloviate

And verbalize hate

Its really insane

To parlay in vain

Like a pig that is greased

The tongue is a beast

When it’s power’s released

The tongue is a beast

Yeah the tongue is a beast

August 26, 2024

Anthony Foster

Thursday, August 29, 2024

White-Hot Wonder


One day the Earth You will fill

This is your perfect will

Filled with the knowledge 

of the glory of the Lord 

As the waters cover the sea


So if I boast let me boast in You Lord

If I boast let me boast 

That I understand and know

The Living Lord of Hosts

Fill us with white-hot wonder

Tear all our doubts asunder

Fill us with white-hot praise

Show us your glorious  grace

You are The Lord, the Lord, our God 

You speak and earth trembles at the sound

Slow to anger, and longsuffering

Your Mercy and Your grace abounds

Fill us with white-hot wonder

Tear all our doubts asunder

Fill us with white-hot praise

Show us your glorious  grace

Habakkuk 2:4, 14, 20

Jeremiah 9:23-24

I Will Take Joy (Habakkuk’s Song)

The Lord is in His dwelling-place

keep silence before Him, oh earth

Come worship Him in spirit

And in truth declare His worth

Though the fig tree should not blossom,

nor fruit be on the vines,

the produce of the olive fail

And no food in the fields you find

I will take joy, I will take joy

in the God of my salvation.

Adonai, He is my strength;

And He is my firm foundation

Though the flock be cut off from the fold

and there be no herd in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the Lord;

For He is Lord of all

He makes me tread on high places.

He makes my feet like the deer’s;

In my Lord my hope remains

I will rest in  him in holy fear

I will take joy , I will take joy

in the God of my salvation.

God, the Lord, He is my strength;

And He is my firm foundation

I will take joy , I will take joy

in the God of my salvation.

God, the Lord, He is my strength;

And He is my firm foundation

Habakkuk 3:17-19

August 29, 2024

Anthony Foster

Hallowed Be Your Name

You are worthy of all our heart soul and mind

You are worthy of all our might

You are worthy of all the things we leave behind

For you are our life and our light

So worthy are you oh Lord

Worthy of all our praise

Worthy Lord to rule and reign

Worthy of all our days

We praise you Adonai

Your Name be magnified

Our hearts are raised

In humble praise

With our fruit may you be glorified

You are worthy of every song we sing

We lift our hosannahs high

Let the praise of our lips be an offering

Of Your merits  we shall testify

We praise you Adonai

Your Name be magnified

Our hearts are raised

In humble praise

With our fruit may you be glorified

Hallowed be your name

Hallowed be your name

We declare to the world your matchless worth

Hallowed be your name

Hallowed be your name

Hallowed be your name in all the Earth

Hallowed be your name in all the Earth

Hallowed be your name in all the Earth

August 29, 2024

Anthony Foster

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Great Triune God

Oh my Holy Father touch this dust

You justified me yet you are Just

Forgive my sin-Let me enter in

In your faithfulness I'll  always trust

Oh my Holy Savior intercede

My Great High Priest you know my need

Oh Living Word-My heart guard and gird

My Shepherd I will follow where you lead

Oh Holy Spirit You indwell my soul

Help me to yield to your control

My heart and mind-In you become aligned

The gifts that you give will make me whole

Oh Great Triune God the Three in One

Oh Holy Father, Spirit, and Son

You are adored-Blessed Holy Lord

Sustain me in this race that I run

Keep me til my work on earth is done

In you I hope til your Kingdom comes.

August 24, 2024

Anthony Foster

No God Like Our GOD

There’s no other god like our GOD

The LORD of mercy and of grace

No, There is no god like our God

Our God who ever keeps the faith

Our God who is slow to anger

No other god that can be found

No, there is no god like our God

Who in His steadfast love abounds

So we bow our heads and worship

LORD we bow our heads toward the earth

LORD, You are worthy to be praised

So we declare Your matchless worth

Who forgives and forgets our sin

Who gladly hears our confession

But the guilty shan’t be cleared of

Iniquity and transgression-

Now we confess your holy name

So to the LORD we will draw near

For your glory You have proclaimed 

Worship the LORD in Holy fear 


LORD, Go now in the midst of us

If we’ve found favor in your sight

Take us for your inheritance

LORD pardon us and make us right

We bow our heads and worship

We bow our heads toward the earth

For you are worthy to be praised

So we declare your matchless worth

LORD,  we declare your matchless worth!

Exodus 34:6-9

August 24, 2024

Anthony Foster