Thursday, September 19, 2024

God is Great, God is Good

God is Great, God is Good

Let this truth be understood

Let us live the way we should

For God is Great, God is Good.

God is Good God is Great

All this world He did create

None can bear His glory’s weight

For God is Good, God is Great

In His greatness without measure

He accomplishes His will

And His will is ever righteous

So His goodness is fulfilled

God is great, God is good. 

He provides the living bread

God is good, God is Great

By His hands our souls are fed

God is great and God is good

Both these attributes cohere

God is good and God is great

Worship Him in Holy Fear

So simplicity attains

Goodness and Greatness in accord

For these attributes remain

And consist forevermore

God is Great and Good forevermore

Psalm 145:3; Psalm 150:2; Ex 34:6;Mark 10:18;

1 Chron 16:34; Psalm 25:8;Psalm 34:8

September 19, 2024

Anthony Foster

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