Saturday, September 14, 2024

More Than Conquerors


Who shall separate us 

from the love of Christ?

Who shall separate us 

from the love of Christ?

Nothing shall separate us 

Shall tribulation, or distress? 

Or persecution, or famine, 

Or forlorn nakedness?

Neither danger, nor sword

This bond of love shall never break
Nothing will separate us from our Lord 

Even though we die for His name’s sake

More than Conquerors

For our warrior goes before us

More than Conquerors

In His power we shall trust

There’s no foe that can defeat us

No power on earth can beat us

Everything the Lord requires he also affords

Since Christ has overcome the world

The battle is the Lord’s

Though we die like slaughtered sheep

No matter what the darkness brings
We are forever held within His keep

We are more than conquerors in all these things

More than Conquerors

For our warrior goes before us

More than Conquerors

In His power we shall trust

There’s no foe that can defeat us

No power on earth can beat us

Everything the Lord requires he also affords

Since Christ has overcome the world

The battle is the Lord’s


Romans 8:32-37

Spetember 14, 2024

Anthony Foster

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