Thursday, September 12, 2024

One Flesh

One flesh, Christ has made us one flesh

With a love that’s ever fresh

Together we were drawn

One flesh, Christ has made us one flesh

Woven, unified to mesh

Together we have grown

In unity our lives have spoken 

We're like a strong three stranded cord

United in a bond not easily broken

Braided together we two with the Lord

In harmony like a three note major chord

One flesh, Christ has made us one flesh

Together we are more 

Than a sum of our parts

One flesh, Christ has made us one flesh

Blessed be the tie that binds

These two different hearts

Lord this is by your will, this is your design

In this Holy Matrimony we are blessed

As we live our lives let this be a sign

That the ways of the Lord are always best

For what you have brought together can stand the test

One flesh, Christ has made us one flesh

With a love that’s ever fresh

Together we were drawn

One flesh, Christ has made us one flesh

Woven, unified to mesh

Together we have grown.

Genesis 2:24,Matthew 19:5,

Mark 10:8,Ephesians 5:31 

September 12, 2024

Anthony Foster

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