Friday, September 20, 2024

Redeemer, Deliverer, Savior, King

I will sing of my Redeemer

With his blood he purchased me;

On the cross he sealed my pardon,

Paid the debt, and made me free.

Now in freedom I will follow

Where He leads me I will go

And I know he won’t forsake me

For I know He loves me so

I will sing of my dear Sovereign

Lord of Lords and King of Kings

He will rule and reign forever

Over all created things

Yet he bids me to his throne room

And He calls me by his grace

He empowers me to serve Him

Till I see Him face to face

I will sing of my dear Savior

He who seeks and saves the lost

He has raised me up when He died

In my place upon the cross

So He saved me from my sinning

Death and Hell now hold no fear

He is for me not against me

And He bids me to draw near

I will sing of my Deliverer

How He set His people free

How He brought me out of darkness

Brought His marvelous light to me 

So I will walk ever onward

I will walk within His light

As He leads me on to glory

Led by faith and not by sight

I will sing, oh I will sing

Of my Savior and my King

For my Redeemer ransomed me

My Deliverer has set me free 

I will sing, oh I will sing

After Phillip Bliss  

September 20, 2024
Anthony Foster 

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