Monday, September 9, 2024

Deeper in Debt to Grace

There is no payback, no penalty

No resource that can replace

The benefits accrued to me

I go deeper in debt to grace

I cannot repay this debt

Everything I have God owns

His provisions have not failed me yet

Grace is all He’s ever shown

I give honor where honor is due

I am bankrupt in any case

I go deeper with every deed I do  

Deeper in debt to grace

I will cast myself on grace headlong 

I won’t presume but I will rely

I will sing salvation’s song

I will have faith in its sure supply


I will pay my vows and my vows consist

Of the promise that on grace I will rely

When God’s mercy flows I will not resist

I will call for help from the Most High

Deeper and deeper in debt

I will lift salvation’s cup

It is empty to the dregs and yet

I know that God will fill it up

Oh to Grace how great a debtor

Daily I’m constrained to be

I’m not the giver I am the getter

Of grace forever full and free

I give honor where honor is due

I am bankrupt in any case

I go deeper every deed I do  

Deeper in debt to grace

Deeper in debt to grace

September 9, 2024

Anthony Foster

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