Saturday, September 21, 2024

God of the Margins

You rest far too lightly on the people of God

The weight of your glory too easy to bear

You will devastate pride with faith deep and wide

If to  seek the depths of your love we would dare

But we are far too easily satisfied

When only you can fill our hunger and thirst

Is it self we desire or your holy fire?

Oh God of the Margins may we seek you first


Our God is too small-Our Christ is too cheap

Our heaven too distant-Our hearts fail to weep

This world is too big-But our grief is not deep

Our faith is too weak and our mountains too steep

Our minds are too dull and our hearts are too hard

Oh God of the margins Our faith is so weak

Oh break on our souls Till we rest in your scars

Become  all in all as your face we seek

We cling to the dung When you would give us wings

We live beneath our privi’lege - the price tags all wrong 

From you and to you  and through you are all things

Oh God of the margins become our one song

After Piper and the Apostle Paul

September 21, 2024

Anthony Foster

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