Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Willing to Believe

My faith you will uplift

You give my spirit breath

Because of your salvation

I become a new creation.

You make me willing to believe

This glorious gift I must receive

When You raise me up from death

And present to me this great gift

This glorious gift I must receive

You make me willing to believe

Because of who you are

In spite of who I am

Because of what you’ve done

I can glorify the Lamb


So all that is in me, all that I am

Lord nothing will I withhold

All that is in my all that I am

I can stand before you humble and bold

You make me willing to believe

This glorious gift I must receive

When You raise me up from death

And present to me this great gift

This glorious gift I must receive
You make me willing to believe

September 17, 2024

Anthony Foster

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