Monday, July 23, 2018

We Will Behold the Glory

Where our poor mortal eyes are blind
Eyes of faith will apprehend
For glory overwhelms our minds
Pure majesty our souls would rend
Unless our maker veils our eyes
Until we rise that glorious day
And behold him coming in the skies
And with remade eyes we see His day

Then we will behold the glory that is His and His alone
We will behold His glory in His presence at His throne

Infinite leagues beyond the sky
The Ancient of Days reigns supreme
Where neither wings nor souls can fly,
No angel may climb the mercy seat
Yet, glorious Lord, thy gracious eyes
Search to and fro from heights above
Beyond our praise thy grandeur flies,
Yet we adore, and yet we love.

For we will behold the glory that is His and His alone
We will behold His glory in His presence at His throne

Tell how he shows his smiling face,
And clothes all heav'n in bright array;
Triumph and joy run through the place,
And songs eternal as the day.
Proclaim his wonders from the skies,
Let every distant nation hear;
And while you sound his lofty praise,
Let humble mortals bow and fear.

For we will behold the glory that is His and His alone
We will behold His glory in His presence at His throne
Then we will behold the glory that is His and His alone
We will behold His glory in His presence at His throne.

After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
July 21, 2018

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