Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Fear not, little flock

On God’s bounty we bank
So we worship and thank
Him for His all-sufficient resource
For the author of grace
Sovereign o’er time and space
Surely sets every molecule's course

Fear not, little flock,
Plant your feet on the Rock
And know the Father above
You are precious in His sight
And It is His delight
to give you His kingdom in love

Even so shall we get
Every need we have met
Even tho we’re unworthy and weak
In our poverty He
Shall provide freely
If it is His kingdom we seek.

Wherever faith looks it sees grace
For eyes of faith see what is real
May the light of the unseen illlumine this place
And our insufficiency reveal.

Fear not, little flock,
Plant your feet on the Rock
And know the Father above
You are precious in His sight
And It is His delight
to give you His kingdom in love

Anthony Foster
Some words after Isaac Watts
July 4, 2018

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