Friday, August 3, 2018

Gospel Love

Here in the gospel's wondrous flame
Your presence we pursue;
We find right words to bless your name,
And mercy streams anew.

Your name is there in every line,
Your wonders here we trace;
Jesus through all the mystery shines,
Each passage speaks God's grace.

We set our minds on things above,
And God draws his children near,
While power, truth, and boundless love,
Display their glories here.

The law itself from mercy flows
So we could know God's ways
And your avenging justice shows
Forth in Your righteous rays

But still the beauty of your grace
Our highest thoughts employs,
Mirrors the glory of your face
And more exalts our joys.

We set our minds on things above
Each time we read your word
The music of your Gospel love
Is the sweetest song e're heard

After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
August 3, 2018

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