Wednesday, August 15, 2018


In the Gospel we participate
And God works in our hearts
He makes us partakers of grace
And then sets us apart.

For His good pleasure we have lived,
And part of heaven possessed;
Partakers have His grace received,
And trust him for the rest.

Blest are believers who partake of Gospel grace for Jesus' sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Lord -Glory and joy are their reward.

The souls enlightened from above
Partakers of the Word,
Shall see what wisdom, power, and love
Shine in their dying Lord.

Yes, and we must and will esteem
All things but loss for Jesus' sake:
O may our souls be found in him,
And of his righteousness partake!

Blest are believers who partake ofGospel grace for Jesus' sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Lord Glory and joy are their reward.

He is the Sun of Righteousness
New heavens he will make;
None but the new-born heirs of grace
His glories shall partake.

The saints on earth and redeemed dead
But one communion make;
All join in Christ their living Head,
And of his grace partake.

Blest are believers who partake of Gospel grace for Jesus' sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Lord Glory and joy are their reward.

After Isaac Watts
Philippians 1:6-8
Anthony Foster

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