Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Glory of the Cross

I sing my Savior's wondrous death, He conquered when he fell:
"It is finished!" said his dying breath, And shook the gates of hell.
"It is finished!" our Immanuel cries, The dreadful work is done;
Hence shall his sovereign throne arise, His kingdom is begun.

Christ came to destroy the devil's deeds For this he was revealed
To undo the work of the enemy So Satan's doom was sealed
His cross a sure foundation laid For glory and renown,
When through the regions of the dead He passed to reach the crown.

It is finished, it is finished
With true glory undiminished
Christ completely paid sin's cost
Now joy is given for our loss
This is the glory of the cross

I sing my Savior's power o'er death, He conquered sin and grave:
He lives and His immortal breath Indwells his seed today.
And so His Spirit lives in us, his chosen, rescued race
He gives to use the victory- who overcome by grace

Christ came to save us from our sins For this purpose he was revealed
For all in Christ new life begins He rose and our salvation sealed
Exalted at his Father's side Sits our victorious Lord;
To heav'n and hell his hands divide The vengeance or reward.

It is finished, it is finished
With true glory undiminished
Christ completely paid sin's cost
Now joy is given for our loss
This is the glory of the cross

After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
August 4, 2018

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