Friday, August 17, 2018

Feelings Will Follow

Feelings are fickle and bound to change
The heart is deceitful and this fact remains
It may be a hard saying and harder to swallow
If you focus on facts then feelings will follow
Feelings are sheep who go easily astray
They need a shepherd to guard over their way
Left to our ways in self pity we'd wallow
If you focus on facts then feelings will follow

If we set our minds on things above
On enduring truth and amazing love
When we can feel God's glories shine,
Then will the facts and our feelings align
O what amazing joys we feel
When rightly reckoning what is real
Then the feelings we're meant for will fill up the hollow
If you focus on facts then feelings will follow.

So test everything and hold to what's real
Then shall we know, and taste, and feel
The joys that cannot be expressed.
Examine your feelings - find if they pass the test

There's a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to act and and a time to reflect
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Take some time for a reality check

We have this choice in what we confess
Depressed or distressed or infinitely blessed
Feelings are fickle and that you well know
If you focus on facts then feelings will follow
If you focus on facts then feelings will follow
If you focus on facts then feelings will follow

Anthony Foster
August 17, 2018

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