Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fountain of Grace

To glorify the Living  spring,
Get down on your hands and knees
And to your heart’s satisfaction drink,
Till you have the refreshment  you need
And strength to go back down
And tell the people what you’ve found
All we can bring is our thirst to this place
Broken sinners, drink at the fountain of grace.

Yes the mighty fountain of grace
A neverending stream
Flows from the almighty giver of grace
From the One who reigns supreme
That our souls he might redeem!
Flow over us and cleanse us, river of grace

Like the deer pants for the  waterbrook
So our souls long after you!
When to the source of life we look
Our souls are refreshed  and renewed
So go down to your knees
Let it take you to the depths of the Crystal Sea
To stand where God's throne is placed
Broken sinners, drink at the fountain of grace.

Yes the mighty fountain of grace
A neverending stream
Flows from the almighty giver of grace
From the One who reigns supreme
That our souls he might redeem!
Flow over us and cleanse us, river of grace

After a post by John Piper
Anthony Foster
June 16, 2018
Rev 4:6, Rev 15:2

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