Sunday, June 17, 2018

In Your Cross We Rest

He that distributes crowns and thrones
Hangs on a tree, and bleeds, and groans!
The Breath of Heav’n gives up his breath,
The Lord of Life now bows to death!
But see the wonders of his power,
He triumphs in his dying hour;
And while by Satan's rage he fell,
He dashed the rising hopes of hell.

It’s by your death we live, O Lord, It’s in your cross we rest;
For ever be your love adored, your name for ever blessed.

The serpent’s skull’s crushed on that ground
And sin in Jesus' blood was drowned;
Thus he arose, and reigns above,
 And conquers sinners by his love.
The results of suffering sacrifice
Paid peace and pardon’s bitter price
His blood has answered wrath’s demands:
It all was wrought by Jesus' hands.

It’s by your death we live, O Lord, It’s in your cross we rest;
For ever be your love adored, your name for ever blessed.
It’s by your death we live, O Lord, It’s in your cross we rest;
For ever be your love adored, your name for ever blessed.
It’s by your death we live, O Lord, It’s in your cross we rest;
For ever be your love adored, your name for ever blessed.

After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
June 7, 2018

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