Monday, June 25, 2018


Prepare your minds, prepare your hearts-
The call’s to action, the call to start
With sober spirit to run the race
Based on a hope that’s fixed on Grace.

So in obedience, like a child
Your will and God’s can be reconciled
Not to desires you knew before
Your life to holiness now conformed.

Living in obedience to the All-Glorious One
According to the Word of God the race is won!

You have in obedience to the Truth
Seen your souls be purified
He works in us a sincere love
Of those for whom Christ Jesus died

Living in obedience to the All-Glorious One
According to the Word of God the race is won!

As unto Him we live and move
And have our being so we prove
The power of God as we live  today
For God’s Glory-In God’s way

Living in obedience to the All-Glorious One
According to the Word of God the race is won!

2 Chronicles 16:9
Anthony Foster
Sometime in 2018

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